Monday, 5 November 2007

How to market your blog?

So here are a few tips on how to market your blog and make it really stand out. Ready? Shooting...

1. Get out a fantastic domain name. I mean something unique (I would suggest you to consult Jackie Chan or some Timbaktoo, cause you get real good, unique names from the chinese...LOL). Even having a subdomain will work out. Just amke sure that your hosting service provider does provide you the option to host your domain with your name!

2. A customisable blog would be really helpful. Wordpress has a reputation to customise your blog nicely into the mould you want.

3. Use keyword discovery, word tracker, sitepoint, seobook - all these are keyword research softwares freely available on the net. Make it a habit to pick up related words and keep a track of which keyphrases best suit your website product / service. Use them freely. Paid ones will surely give you better option, but free ones are equally good.

4. Optimise your blog - which includes template optimisation, RSS submission, social bookmarking, maintain unique title tags.

Lets say, your site pertains to 'Architecture'. Make sure that your site contains keyword rich terms related to architecture. It makes sense when you are accessible easily if you have enough related words (also called as keyphrases) which is relevant to your business.

5. Create a subdomain / area in the blog. Attract like minded members who can contribute in as well. Make sense to have a wider readership through your network.

6. You can have RSS feeds subscribed to your blog. Make it run like a news reel. You can use feed burners as well andkeep track of your feeds.

7. Use 'ping' facility. Ping your information. Make it readily available to the end users who are using your web blog info.

8. Ever used Google sitemaps? They are available for free. You can download them and use the executable to create an XML sitemap. This is a real good utility to use. GSitemaps as they are called, helps robots crawl websites easily. Also remember, you must update your Gsitemap if ever you have included more information in there.

9. Identify blogs and websites for outbound links and blogrolls. Its good to have outbound links to your blog. That way you are sure to get linked.

10. Get a link building campaign (if you are interested) activated and make it work for you. You will find more clicks coming your way.

11. Its a good idea to broadcast your video or podcasts. Adding tags related to your profession/ vocation is the best way to get noticed.

12 Keep your posts in related sections. This keeps you well organised.

13. Get a press release done (sounds ambitious eh?). But its a good way to advertise your blog. So, get started earnestly.