SEO articles, random thoughts, notes. Some of the articles are notes referred to another weblog. Some are thoughts or ideas by the author. Notes from other section are also laid out here. Disclaimer: This blog site uses cookies in compliance with EU legal requirements.
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
Whats it about this 'Nofollow'?

Monday, 5 November 2007
How to market your blog?
So here are a few tips on how to market your blog and make it really stand out. Ready? Shooting...
1. Get out a fantastic domain name. I mean something unique (I would suggest you to consult Jackie Chan or some Timbaktoo, cause you get real good, unique names from the chinese...LOL). Even having a subdomain will work out. Just amke sure that your hosting service provider does provide you the option to host your domain with your name!
2. A customisable blog would be really helpful. Wordpress has a reputation to customise your blog nicely into the mould you want.
3. Use keyword discovery, word tracker, sitepoint, seobook - all these are keyword research softwares freely available on the net. Make it a habit to pick up related words and keep a track of which keyphrases best suit your website product / service. Use them freely. Paid ones will surely give you better option, but free ones are equally good.
4. Optimise your blog - which includes template optimisation, RSS submission, social bookmarking, maintain unique title tags.
Lets say, your site pertains to 'Architecture'. Make sure that your site contains keyword rich terms related to architecture. It makes sense when you are accessible easily if you have enough related words (also called as keyphrases) which is relevant to your business.
5. Create a subdomain / area in the blog. Attract like minded members who can contribute in as well. Make sense to have a wider readership through your network.
6. You can have RSS feeds subscribed to your blog. Make it run like a news reel. You can use feed burners as well andkeep track of your feeds.
7. Use 'ping' facility. Ping your information. Make it readily available to the end users who are using your web blog info.
8. Ever used Google sitemaps? They are available for free. You can download them and use the executable to create an XML sitemap. This is a real good utility to use. GSitemaps as they are called, helps robots crawl websites easily. Also remember, you must update your Gsitemap if ever you have included more information in there.
10. Get a link building campaign (if you are interested) activated and make it work for you. You will find more clicks coming your way.
11. Its a good idea to broadcast your video or podcasts. Adding tags related to your profession/ vocation is the best way to get noticed.
13. Get a press release done (sounds ambitious eh?). But its a good way to advertise your blog. So, get started earnestly.
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Search Engine Optimization copywriting – your key to Internet Marketing success
Here are some definitions found on the web for SEO. Not that it’s the best definition, but they do convey the best meaning for “Search Engine Optimization”.
“The act of altering a web site so that it does well in the organic, crawler-based listings of search engines”
- One of the leading SEO software developers, Trendmx, defines it as “The process of increasing the amount of visitors to a Web site by ranking high in the search results of a search engine.”
- Another definition goes like this – “Designing a website so that it ranks highly in the search engines when someone searches for specific phrases related to the site.”
Introduction to SEO copywriting
In the world where we promote our business we have to choose the medium and it better be the best. One of the most viable options available is the internet, the World Wide Web – your website. Moreso the effort you put in to make your site be “seen” by a lot of potential customers – better are your chances of getting popular and make decent money and gain search engine visibility for it.
Your website is the key to your success. It’s your baby – and you need to make it healthy so that it grows.
How do we do that? We promote our website. We market our website using latest internet marketing strategies.
One of the ways in which you get your site promoted is Search Engine Optimization copywriting – SEO copywriting in short.
So what is SEO copywriting?
Search Engine Optimization copywriting is a technique of writing text that’s viewable so the website visitor (potential client) can easily read the highlighted text which targeted to search engine specific terms. Such terms are called keyword targeted key phrases or keywords. So it’s important that we get regular visitors and keep them interested – thus targeting sections of your site visitors with topics of their interest; at the same time keeping including related keyphrases inside of the text your are writing about.
The purpose here is to rank highly for the targeted search keyword terms. It’s important to also optimize other on-page elements on the page like the page title, page description and selected keywords or key phrases anticipated to get good rankings.
Another reason why SEO copywriting is done is to build genuine, keyphrase rich content for your website. (back in the day, many people tried to manipulate rankings by creating “doorway pages”.)
A recommended number of words that are viewable should be 250 / page with 2-6 strategically placed targeted terms within the content area and on the on-page elements as well. On-page elements can be buttons, images, hyperlinks, page title, meta title, meta description and meta keywords.
What makes SEO copywriting run? Its strengths
The best part about SEO copywriting is that it works well with theme based websites. If done properly, SEO copywriting tends to achieve rankings that place well in search engines and also is still highly interesting to read.
Many factors can attribute to your rankings. SEO content writing if done properly can be one of the most efficient factors in getting your site ranked high on the organic rankings. Some other items include:
- effective and related meta tags unique to each page
- interlinking relevant phrases to other pages on your website and on the web.
- tagging your links and images with an effective summary.
For a full summary relating to how to set your website up properly for search engine optimization, I recommend reading our blog posted a few months ago.

Marketing Mix: Two Parts Internet One Part Tradition
With the evolution of the internet, search engines, and social networks, these unfairly weighted dynamics are quickly changing, and thanks to companies such as google, and there offline ad initiatives (like Google Audio, Google Video & Google Print), the “little guy” finally has a chance.
With internet ad revenue growing upwards of 30% a year, credit of foresight is due to the integrated internet marketing firms, the first business sector to acknowledge the importance that the internet could play in a business’s strategic marketing plan. Integrated marketing firms have learned to make use of offline media, such as commercials, radio, newspapers, and billboards, to create enough interest in a product or service to drive customers to the company’s website — all at remarkably efficient and reasonable pricing.
As traditional marketing companies continue to link up with online Internet marketing firms, people are taking notice. “The fox is in the hen house and its going to gobble a good portion of this business up before anybody realizes their history,” said Gene Dewitt, President of Dewitt Media Solutions.
Having dominated the internet, Google is eager to move offline, and has developed and test piloted a newspaper ad program that is targeted at small advertisers. With this affordable and easy to manage ad service, Google is attempting to transform adverts into traditional media, striking deals with radios and newspapers, to acquire and sell advertising space.
As a member of a rapidly evolving company who is ready to concoct their own marketing mix, I recommend the following top five points to consider when creating your very own marketing mix.
1. Develop a marketing plan that incorporates both online and offline marketing initiatives. If this is too difficult; consider hiring an integrated internet marketing firm to develop it for you.
2. Develop a site that will retain traffic. Consider the web design, its ease of navigation, and ensure that it is content rich including press releases, blogs, video, and audio players. Not only will these supply the customer with immediate answers, it will keep them coming back. Also - when you do your website design consider colour.
3. Develop a clear call to action, including a customer contact form on every page. Make it as easy as possible for customers to find you. This will also assist you in developing an interest focused mailing list.
4. Develop a search engine campaign that will help your site return at the top of search results. Speak to search engine marketing specialists to assist you with deciding the best pay-per-click (ppc) or search engine optimization (SEO) mix for your business.
5. Develop a regular measurement and reporting system, and be sure to be open to reviewing and revising your marketing mix. Google Analytics is free and if you understand them properly (or hire someone to help you understand them) then you will have far more power over your internet marketing mix then ever before.
All copyrights reserved to risetothetop.techwyse.com.

Thursday, 28 June 2007
Some website related stuff
Here is something that I found on a website...its good ....read on
Why website designing? Effective Website Design / Designing A Website That Sells
Website designing is the most important aspect in e-commerce. If you're doing business on the Internet, a professional looking web site brings you business reward. Website designing determines your success. Your potential customers' first impression of your site will almost instantly determine whether or not you're going to make a sale. If your web site designing doesn't look professional, the perceived value of your products will be low. No matter what products or services you may be offering, your creative web site design will literally determine their value.
So what we first need to really do is make the web site design so effective, powerfully attractive and yet sober and match the quality required for a website. Basically a good website should be easy to maneuver, nice graphics, warm colours and importantly a great banner which says it all.
The purpose of ecommerce website design is to:
Drive repeat traffic to your website
Increase the popularity of your website
Increase your search engine ranking
Increase the perceived value of your product
Increase your sales
Your web site is your storefront and can mean the difference between your success and failure. Prior to your web site designing, you must have a clear understanding as to exactly what it takes to succeed. This involves much more than simply putting up a web site. Sure, learning HTML is an important part of designing a successful web site; however, it is only one small part. You must first develop a strategic plan for website designing.
Your website is only effective if it also quickly moves the user from visiting, to inquiring, to buying your product or service. It is possible to make creative website design in-house. But in order to achieve the crucial balance between the eye-catching graphics and copywriting needed to best represent your company, the super-efficient communication and purchase processing needed to catch every sale possibility, a web-design professional is your most time efficient option.
The aesthetic aspect of the website is important. Using Photoshop to design is a good choice.
A Professional web design company may help for website designing within a given time. Once the website designing is over, thrust it into the foray of cyber race. If your website is already up and running, but not bringing the increased customers or profits hoped for, Internet Marketing professionals can update and streamline your site.
The role of the Internet Marketing team would be to bring your website among the top ranked ones for the keywords and meta tags information that you use in your site. Thus a need to develop keyword rich meta information and SEO optimised home page is the need of the hour.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007
SEO stuffs
Some good SEO blogs.
a good place to be in. i guess its good for intermediate and beginners as well.
well, there are lots of stuff that is not so essential, worth a try though.
latest seo info (others too) here.
customised looks aesthetically good.
take a bow - its from the G world
this guy is too good..too good.
one of the beginners choice again
worth reading ..similar to searchengineland
http://www.vanessafoxnude.com -
blog of vanessa fox who was with google until recently and now has joined zillow
another good search engine stuff here.
I am archiving a whole lot of such info and hope that it is useful to all of you. If you do find any such useful tips - feel free to write to me or post.
Monday, 14 May 2007
Understanding What Search Engines Are Looking For With Your Website!
While doing one of my consulting calls yesterday, I was going through a website and helping the client gain a more broad undestanding of SEO and what Google looks for when it ranks a website on its search engine well. After putting together a quick summary document I realized that I likely had a nice internet marketing piece to share with our readers! Have a read and let me know what you think!
Meta Tags and Page Title
- Make use of your article name in the actual page title. When someone clicks on a given article the article name, or key phrases describing the article should appear in the top of the browser as the “Page Title”.
- Similarly, each page can have a Meta, description (no more then 20 words) and keywords (no more then 30 words) describing the elements on this page. For reference please look at http://blog.techwyse.com/?p=11
Use of Frames
- Any page within your site should not have a scrolling bar within it. This is usually indicative of a page that is not spiderable by search engines like Google, because it usually means it gets confused at which element of the page to look at. Having anything that may be confused as a frame or javascript to a search engine can put your sites search engine friendliness at risk.
- For more information on quality guidelines from Google itself go to this URL: http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=35769*** also note the layout of this page which include the interlinking comment made below.
URL page naming
- Anytime you can make your page name extensions say something that is relevant rather then providing programming code you should make this happen! Remember — give search engines more information to understand what your page is about and they will like you a lot more! This was an example used in our call: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_football
Offer Strong interlinking and anchor text throughout your site:
Within your articles and content on your site, it is imperative that you link relevant search words to other relevant articles.. This can be done several ways:
- By looking at your existing content and finding keyphrases with strong meaning and linking them through to pages that are related to this term — preferably to a given article defining that term and alternatively to a search conducted that delivers the user results related to the given keyphrase.
- By offering further content and/or categories at the bottom of each page that would be relevant to the article on the page. Refer to the bottom of either of these pages to see reference:
http://www.techwyse.com/about.phpRemember – strong interlinking in your site will give each page the ability to get more eyes looking at more pages once other sites begin to link to you!
Articles of Reference
Reference sites
Source: blog.techwyse.com (Very informative blog posted by DJ)

10 SEO Traits for your Website
So just for fun I have gone ahead and listed in this post 10 further tips you will want to consider to ensure you rank well in the search engine rankings!
1. Choose the right keywords
It’s important that the keywords chosen are the most relevant to your industry. Keywords chosen are the means to target your site with the most relevant visitors. There are many tools which help us select good keywords and the search volume done in given month. One good tool is http://www.keyworddiscovery.com. Of course we all like free versions don’t we?
It’s absolutely critical that this step is not missed because the rest of the SEO depends a lot on this.
2. Choosing the right domain name
It’s imperative that the domain name you choose should be relevant to the product / concept you sell. It would be great if you could include one or more of the keywords in the domain name which enhances your chances of being searched!
Now, let’s say you sell “steel buildings”, so it would be good to have a domain name like www.steelbuildingsinc.com. The best way is – to find a domain name that’s easy and matches the product / concept you sell.
Secondly, if you ever want to change your domain, think twice. Changing a domain name can be catastrophic for search engine purposes. The older the domain name the better it is recognized by search engines as they consider the aging factor for a domain to be of high importance.
3. File Naming Convention matters for SEO
When you save a file to be hosted on your website, its wise to save it with the most relevant keyword you have for that page. For example, if you had a boat cruise website and had a page talking about ‘our planners’ a good page name would be “http://www.upstreamcruises.com/our-planners.htm”
There is no restriction in naming the file the same as that of our competitors. Regardless of what you use – FrontPage or Dreamweaver, make it a habit to save the file names that way. It’s just a step closer to your search query!
A tip – do not leave a blank space between words for your file name. For example – “two way watch.asp” could be renamed as “two-way-watch.asp” or “two_way_watch.asp”. Either will do.
4. Using keywords between titles
It helps a lot to have the most relevant keywords in the title bar of your web page, instead of the age old convention of mentioning the company name in the title.
Also it’s best to avoid using conjunctions and prepositions in the title. We should avoid using words like “the, a, an, and, for, with” and so on.
For example, “Hard Bound Cardboard – Oakwood - Pinewood art”. Notice that in this title the spaces between the hyphens can be avoided and used (or wasted!) at the end of the sentence. Thus “Hard Bound Cardboard–Oakwood-Pinewood Art” would make more sense.
5. Use keyword text to navigate
It’s good practice to use html keyword text to navigate to other pages instead of using conventional images with a hotspot linked to a page. Image links are counter productive when it comes to SEO. This is because an image is not readable by the search engines while HTML text is!
Although the image links can have keywords in the tag, linked text carries more weight in the algorithm for search engines. So start linking your HTML text instead of images!
6. Repeat keyword content
The adage “Content is King” is true. This simply means – repeat your most relevant words 5-7 times on your main pages. Make sure you don’t overdo it to make it look like a spammed content or is grammatically incorrect.
Updating your content often will also help the search engine spider your site and get noticed. The more content you have the more likely you are to get noticed and have an opportunity to cross link to other keyword focused content.
7. Making Keywords a part of the Meta Description
This will compel a user to click on the relevant ad (which in turn takes them to our site). Being ranked higher does not mean that you can get clicks on your website links. The more relevant keywords your meta description contains – the better it will be ranked.
8. Secure High Quality Incoming links
Securing high quality incoming links are important. Its always good to get listed in a reputed and frequently consulted web directory (such as DMOZ). Admittedly DMOZ takes time to get you listed, but it is a good bet to be a part of the online directory. You can add your content on many other sites which will list you free for their referral / exchange link.
9. Use keyword links instead of conventional words
The best way to get linked to another page is not using the “Click Here” but using the keywords instead. So if you want to go to a particular page for say “Sunmica Redwood Tables” in a website – the line should be like “You can get more info about Sunmica Redwood Tables(and link the words Sunmica Redwood Tables to the respective page instead of using the conventional words “Click Here”)
10. Use of Sitemap
A sitemap is a separate HTML page that acts as a directory of your website. Each page linked on your website is hyperlinked. Usage of keywords in the linked anchor text is a good habit. Consider using synonyms instead of the regular keywords is a good practice.
A sitemap not only helps search engine spiders to easily crawl on to the site but it also helps a surfer to look for info / pages that he/she might have overlooked.
Hope this short list has helped!
Source: blog.techwyse.com (This was an article posted on www.risetothetop.techwyse.com

Thursday, 10 May 2007
Domain Hosting Options
Resource Description | Premium 1000 | Premium 300 | Premium 500 | Premium 800 |
Monthly Fee | $24.95 | $5.95 | $7.95 | $14.95 |
Money back guarantee | Valid for 30 days | Valid for 30 days | Valid for 30 days | Valid for 30 days |
Included Features (Please see below for MORE details) | ||||
Disk space MB | Included 1000 MB | Included 300 MB | Included 500 MB | Included 800 MB |
Monthly transfer GB | Included 30 GB | Included 5 GB | Included 10 GB | Included 15 GB |
WEB services | ||||
CGI Resource | Free | Free | Free | Free |
cgi-bin Resource | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Front Page | Free | Free | Free | Free |
PHP Module | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Server Side Include | Unavailable | Free | Free | Free |
Mail services | ||||
Mailbox | Free 1000 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 300 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 500 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 800 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 |
Mailing List | Free 10 Setup $0.00 Monthly $3.00 | Free 3 Setup $0.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 5 Setup $0.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 8 Setup $0.00 Monthly $1.00 |
Mail Box Alias | Free 100 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 30 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 50 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 80 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 |
Mail Forward | Free 100 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 30 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 50 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 80 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 |
Email Auto Responder | Free 100 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 30 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 50 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 80 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 |
E-commerce options | ||||
osCommerce | Free | Unavailable | Free | Free |
SSL Module | Free | Unavailable | Free | Free |
Types of domains | ||||
Domain | Free 10 Setup $0.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 3 Setup $0.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 5 Setup $0.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 8 Setup $0.00 Monthly $1.00 |
SubDomain | Free 100 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.05 | Free 30 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 50 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.05 | Free 80 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.05 |
Third level domain | Free 100 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 30 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 50 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 80 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 |
Stopgap Domain | Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 30 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 50 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 80 Setup $0.00 Monthly $0.50 |
Statistics | ||||
Transfer Log | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Referrer Log | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Agent Log | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Error Log | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Webalizer Resource | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Other | ||||
MySQL Database | Free 3 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 1 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 1 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 2 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.50 |
MySQL User | Free 3 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.00 | Free 1 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.00 | Free 1 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.00 | Free 2 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.00 |
PGSQL Database | Free 3 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.50 | Unavailable | Free 1 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.50 | Free 2 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.50 |
PGSQL User | Free 3 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.00 | Unavailable | Free 1 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.00 | Free 2 Setup $3.00 Monthly $0.00 |
IP Address | Free 3 Setup $5.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 0 Setup $5.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 1 Setup $5.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 2 Setup $5.00 Monthly $1.00 |
Virtual FTP Server | Free 5 Setup $3.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 1 Setup $3.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 2 Setup $3.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 3 Setup $3.00 Monthly $1.00 |
Anonymous FTP Server | Free 3 Setup $3.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 1 Setup $3.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 1 Setup $3.00 Monthly $1.00 | Free 2 Setup $3.00 Monthly $1.00 |
SiteStudio | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Quotas | ||||
Network traffic | Included 30 GB Unlimited | Included 5 GB Monthly $5.00/GB Extra $10.00/GB | Included 10 GB Monthly $5.00/GB Extra $10.00/GB | Included 15 GB Monthly $5.00/GB Extra $10.00/GB |
Disk quota | Included 1000 MB Unlimited | Included 300 MB Unlimited | Included 500 MB Unlimited | Included 800 MB Unlimited |
Mailbox quota | Included 10 MB Unlimited | Included 10 MB Unlimited | Included 10 MB Unlimited | Included 10 MB Unlimited |
MySQL database quota | Included 50 MB Unlimited | Included 50 MB Unlimited | Included 50 MB Unlimited | Included 50 MB Unlimited |
PostgreSQL database quota | Included 50 MB Unlimited | Unavailable | Included 50 MB Unlimited | Included 50 MB Unlimited |