SEO articles, random thoughts, notes. Some of the articles are notes referred to another weblog. Some are thoughts or ideas by the author. Notes from other section are also laid out here. Disclaimer: This blog site uses cookies in compliance with EU legal requirements.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Blogging your way in SEO style
More individuals are now using blog as a handy tool to carve a niche market for themselves in the field that they are involved in. This is the best bet to make yourself known in the field you are in. Why of all the things – Blogging? Well, blogging since its inception has been a catalyst in boosting your SEO metrics. And the primary reason of this being the fact that blogs have been the all time favorites of human readers and of course the search engines.
You might just be wondering what has blogging got to do with SEO. Well … a lot actually. Here are a few things that blogs actually help boost your SEO.
Blogging speaks of current events or happenings
Search engines love content. Fresh content. What the search engine does is to ‘decipher or understand’ your content and simply start indexing it under a particular category. That's right. Your content is accepted and indexed right away such that search engines wants to present its readers the best and latest contents. Google, MSN, Yahoo are the prominent ones which does this.
Search engines are constantly updating the index. Its like a 24-hours call center. The blog owners are constantly updating their contents. Sometimes more than just once in a day. Human nature – hence you would find most blogs talking about the latest topic around the world. Which means fresh and relevant content. Sounds good eh?
Blogging is relevant and specific of the topic
Relevancy factor is most important feature while a search is conducted. It indicates the search engine that the most relevant search information is here while showing relevant search pages. Your contents give the search engine a chance to talk about what you have to say about the relevant search term. Blogging usually means pin-point concentration of relevant keywords about the subject or topic you are writing about. Let us say – you are talking about style sheets, then your blog would contain a lot of words like “style”, “cascading style sheets”, “CSS” and so on.
Search engine friendly navigation gives you an upper hand
The blog is structured in such a way that its very easy for the bots or crawlers to crawl through. The blog is well structured, such that you will find the menus sitting up nicely on to the left with your latest post on a section and an archive of your posts.
The best part is that the interlinking and links to other prominent websites or blogs are easily done. Due to the good interlinking policy that you follow crawling your blog become much easier.
Blog is a repository of rich information
Yes, a blog is considered an area of very rich information. This fact is reassured when your blog speaks about the niche you have to present. Not only would you want to get linked to many such related niche websites, but you will find them wanting to link back to you. Awesome, isn’t it? So, what follows next is that all search engines (that crawl your weblog) start to consider your blog as a niche (say rubber products, motor bikes and so on) for promoting your product or service and alleviate your position and rankings.
Linking to blogs is easily done
When you are linked from other websites its considered good for you. Usually you would find it difficult to link to websites as the trust factor is not so high. On the contrary, it is high amongst bloggers who love to link each other. Your SEO effort gets a boost this way!
Happy Blogging…what are you waiting for?
Monday, 3 November 2008
How To Persuade A Buyer Online?
Do I sound crazy? Well, that’s exactly what it means to persuade somebody to buy something online – be it consumer goods, luxury items, offers, gifts or services of any kind. It’s not a hardcore scientific formula from the books of a physics book but the knack that many a marketers and scientists (read marketing purist) would tell you to do.
The best way to tackle this is to understand human nature, understand YOU as a buyer. What makes you tick and buy items that you may not even need? Well, it involves understanding the basic human nature which is often repetitive and works subconsciously the same way.
Here are some tips to ethically persuade people to buy.
1. Show Them The Trend – Show What Others Like To Do
The finicky mind often plays an important role while making a buy. People often tend to look at what others are doing. More the number of people doing the same mean more the comfort level they are in. The psychological phenomenon is called the ‘Social Proof’. This means often decisions are based on the reactions or doings of the mass. The feeling of the buyer is that his knowledge is bettered by knowing these conditions.
What can you showcase as ‘Social Proof’? Here are some ways to establish yourself.
• Most popular items
• ‘People who bought this also liked…’
• Top selling items
• Testifying the product or service
2. Online ‘User-Generated’ Reviews
Another best method of guaranteeing a buy is to have reviews and ratings for products or services on your website. User generated reviews have a great impact on the minds of the buyers. In the age of Web 2.0 and social media and networks like Facebook this is one of the most popular ways to promote your product or service.
It’s a good way to have reviews and ratings section on your website after all; it’s a FREE way to promote you, isn’t it? Reviews are considered reliable, as opined by most and if there is no review the potential customer tends to walk away from your website. There is no turning back.
Reviews on a website have to be open, clear and true. You must stand the truth – because reviews can be bad as well. But wait; don’t write it off, cause it’s easier to ‘catch’ an edited review. So face the truth!
3. Show That Products Are Scarce
If the products are scarce the demand for it goes up. The social psychology is such that it makes a person feel that ‘he needs it no matter what’ and a loss is ‘felt’ more than a gain. Simply put, if a person loses a chance to buy a certain product the feeling of not having got that is more than the feeling of having gotten the same.
Scarcity can be portrayed online by showing messages like
1. For 5 days only!
2. For the 1st 100 customers only
3. Sales end on December 30th
4. Offer valid until stock lasts
5. The offer will end in 4 days 2 hours 34 minutes 18 seconds (this could be a countdown timer on your website)
4. Seeing Is Believing – Entice Them With Pictures And Videos
Images play an important role in retention of information. It’s said that ‘A picture is worth 1000 words’. Images are good for luxury items and high value goods.
Just make sure the images you provide a good visual appeal, high quality images.
• Professional quality
• Different views of the same image
• Zoom for better viewing
Get innovative – maybe a short video (of 15 to 20 seconds) is good to show WHAT exactly you want to promote. Novel, isn’t it? Sure, because watching a video is less cumbersome than reading and digesting facts.
5. Cross And Up-Sell
I had once gone to McDonalds and ordered for a Mac Burger®. The maĆ®tre d' asked me if I’d like to have some fries and coleslaw along with it. Well, could I refuse it? No.
Cool tactic eh? Once you have committed to purchasing / consuming any product it’s not that hard to persuade to buy more.
It’s a good idea to display related items / products near the product you want to sell like – French fries and coleslaw with burgers or sandwiches or a pair of neon laces along with your skating shoes. The craving to buy never stops!
6. Show Authority
We are easily overwhelmed by authority or influential icons. Let us take the example of basket ball. If Kobe Bryant would promote a certain brand of basketball shoes you would easily buy it, and not if you were recommended by your best friend Michael. Am I right?
Websites that show authority are trusted more easily as they are considered experts in their field and this holds good for B2B websites.
• Show you are an expert
• Link to 3rd party websites and back up your facts
• Give reference to authoritative bodies
• Display symbol of authority like VERITAS, Veri Sign
7. Dispel The Fear In Them
Numerous questions like ‘Can I return the goods if I don’t like them?” or “Are there any additional costs that is not shown?” can arise while buying online.
Dispel such fear by providing an exhaustive FAQ which helps them clear up any cobwebs in their mind. It also generates a positive influence on you.
Persuasion in short helps the user get all the information he needs and changing his stubborn mind into one who is urged into buying from you. But remember, along with such persuasive tactics you need to also have a solid website to back it up with good service and usability.
Friday, 16 May 2008
Social bookmarking sites list
Well, why social bookmarking? It is a way to announce your niche. What you are and why do you want to be in the peer group is what brings you to bookmark your website.
Here are some of the URL list
Worth the wait for me.
Another super site I found -
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Off Page Optimization Tips for Directory Submission
Let me talk about directory submission today.
Before you submit to a list of directories (there are hundred thousands of them there) make sure you DO understand what the website does. By that I mean, you must be sure of "What" your website does. You must understand the purpose for what your website is here. That is called the niche.
Pick up the niche factor for which the website is all about.
Prepare titles appropriate to the type of business / service it does. Ensure that its not too lengthy or even too short. Remember to put in all the service based words / phrases in the title - of course make it a sensible sentence and not just a mixed bag of keyphrases thrown in together.
Prepare a set of description which is apt and says just what the website does. Aim at the keywords in your website, thats a good thing to do. Just make sure your description does contain the best keywords in it.
But mind you, do not make it look like you are pouring out all the keywords into the description. Make sure that its meaningful, so the readers do understand (again, just like the title - make your desription sensible as well)
Lastly, if your website has a ranking report being run for the past 6 months, look out for keywords that ranked well and seen frequently on the top pages, say 1 to 3.
If you do not have a ranking report run, just run your keywords on Keyword Discovery or Overture and you will get the best ranked keywords for your website.
Chose them wisely and place them as your best keywords.
For directory submissions, besides this you will need a valid working email address that is not a free account (like GMail, Hotmail and the likes), but which belongs to a domain (like An email that belongs to a website is always trusted. It pays to have a couple of such addresses in case one is already used up.
You must have a valid (fake does work though) submitter's full name. Make sure that the name matches well with the region (for example, you cannot have an Indian name for a Canadian website, got me? Say you cannot have an Indian name like "Harbhajan Singh" for a Canadian Immigration Attorney's website (unless the owner is Harbhajan Singh of course, lol).
The full address of the company, including the telephone number, fax, email address and importantly the Zip or PIN code.
When you submit make sure you submit it to the right category. Thats important. Its better to NOT submit it in case you don't find an appropriate category for any particular directory. That way you won't be banned (obviously, your IP address would be tapped, a reason good enough to ban you)
In case there are directory websites which demand a login, sign up for it.
Make sure you do note the login details somewhere for future use. Its great to use the Google Docs for this. Accessible anywhere, anytime!
After having submitted to various directories, you may need to confirm the entry by clicking on the link which would be sent to you by mail (that is the email address you provided as a point of contact).
The email address you provide as a point of contact should NEVER be the official email address of the company or that which belongs to some department. For example, you cannot use an email address like or that which belongs to a department like Instead it could be - which is valid and sounds good.
Doing that ensures the trust you have built in the directory submission websites.
Lastly, you need to wait and watch (and reap the fruits of your efforts) until you get mails from the websites approving or disapproving your entry.
In case its approved, make a note of it so that you don't blunder by re-submitting it to the same category.
In case your entry is disapproved also, make a note of it. Look out for any provisions for resubmissions or a 'time gap' before which you can try your resubmission.
Its recommended to wait until you resubmit lest your IP is marked and you are blocked from submitting again.
Comments? Suggestions?
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Some common mistakes while writing press releases
As one would naturally think, it is obvious that oe would want to promote ones business or product or service. It is equally important that you provide valuable information or news. If not, your press release might as well be ignored.
Here are some tips to ensure your press release is well received.
1. Don’t send fake news. News is always a happening, for real, unique. You cannot fake news. They end up on a bad note.
2. The language used in the press release should be simple. Avoid using technical jargon as most readers won’t understand what you meant to convey.
3. Don’t use too much pep talk or sound like a salesman desperate to sell or show off his wares or services. People are smart enough to read in between the lines. A restrained use of words like ‘fantastic’ or ‘amazing’ won’t do harm while describing your product or service. Make sure you don’t however, mislead readers.
4. Don’t bring up stale news. Your readers already know about it or feel having read them before.
5. Do not write an encyclopedia. Keep it short and sweet (The KISS effect).
6. Your information should be accurate. If you provide it, then provide it fully and not part information. If you are talking about an event, make it clear, even if the event is an ongoing one.
7. Ensure all info is in place. That is your name, address, phone, email address and website address. In case any editors do need to call you, make sure you leave no room for queries.
8. Your headlines should not sound boring or confusing. Make sure it conveys the meaning so that the editors / readers figure out what the article is all about. It’s a cool idea to look into major magazines and newspapers for such ideas.
9. Do not write press releases that are biased or one that sends negative thoughts about a certain individual or a company. No matter what – you may have the best evidence to prove that they are wrong – the idea is not at all good. Such information looks great on an editorial section of major newspapers.
10. Lastly, but not the least, make sure your press release is posted well before the actual event or happening. As I told you before, stale or old news is no news.
Having said these, I guess you might have a fair idea how a release is written.
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Syndicating your article online – its pros and cons
Is it as simple as that? Well, almost.
What happens is that when you publish an article it is made immediately available to the public / surfers. Obviously, due to this there are many advantages and disadvantages.
Let us go through the advantages first.
1. Public awareness of your brand:
By making your article available to the mass you are actually advertising yourself, your company. You would have your articles published in many ‘news-related’ websites and also pass them on as newsletters. So for obvious reasons, you would include your name/representative name, your company name in the bylines of your articles. That way you get noticed. The benefit is – you and your company become well known. You become an authority to that subject (let us say “Marker Pen”). The more recommendations you get, the more you are regarded and you gain an automatic trust.
2. Attract visitors to your website:
When you syndicate an article, make sure you include your website URL. It’s not just the inclusion of URL that helps. You must make sure your article is really interesting. If they are interesting you will naturally have followers coming to your website to grab more information. If your article is sort of an advertisement – hopefully it won’t fool many a people.
3. Increase your PR (Page Rank) on Google:
If there are many links pointing to your website, it counts as a significant website for Google to increase the Page Rank. In simple terms it means if your article is syndicated by many websites, the number of links pointed to at your website increases. Of course a direct link with your byline (information) is imperative.
Disadvantages while syndicating your article
1. Obsolescence of information
Unless your article is of a static nature, that is, a topic which does not change, your article could easily be considered outdated. if the article you posted is of a volatile nature then a constant upgrade or follow-up on your article is necessary .
But there is a problem here as well. Consider a case your article is syndicated on a website. You have no control over the article now. How long the article will stay – only the website owner can tell.
And, due to some misfortune if your article is still there, whereas, the topic is well outdated; then your competitors / readers will underestimate your knowledge power. They may consider you (or your company) as one who does not update on the latest happenings.
2. Wrongful modification to the article
A very common thing that can happen once the article lands up in the hands of a webmaster that couldn’t care less. Explicit licensing notices won’t help.
a. You could find your links in the article being modified. Chances are that your links being replaced with their affiliate links. The very purpose of getting more visitors to your website and getting reciprocal links is defeated.
b. You can find your byline URL and useful company information being misplaced elsewhere or placed in some lesser important area.
c. Your article could be divided into ‘n’ pages with advertisement taking a bulk of space instead of your article.
d. You have 5 articles but have reserved rights to publish 3 of your articles. However, if a webmaster gets a chance to publish one article and somehow gets a hand on your other articles, they won’t bother to even read the Terms and Conditions. What they would do is go about publishing articles which they are not supposed to. Tricky eh?
How do you deal with such situation? Well, it’s really not an easy situation. You just cannot post and forget it. You need to continuously monitor the changes / updates on each and every article of yours and deal with such unscrupulous webmasters.
3. Income from Ads:
If your website has articles on the home page and also ads on them, obviously you earn from the articles placed on the website.
Imagine your article is syndicated, and then it looks like you worked for free and allowed somebody else to have a share of the revenue from the ads placed in the article.
There are some websites who write article to promote their website. Whether they promote their business or their website, such sites who write articles mainly to promote their business generally do not suffer.
4. Mirroring information:
What Google really does not appreciate is duplication of data. So, when your information is syndicated, it’s really a mirror of information of what you have on your website. Simply meant Google could consider your website to be mirror information of what it finds on the other websites, thereby having your website page rank dropped to zero.
I really don’t know if it could cause a drop in the Page Rank, but why take chances?
5. Spamming your information:
If you allow somebody to just re-publish your article in their newsletter, beware! You don’t know how or who he is. Chances are that he may spam your article through his newsletter. Very easy to be branded a spam website.
So, in short, if you are one who is into promoting business, a bit of syndication will do more good than harm. On the contrary, if your website is wholly into writing articles, its wiser to have them in the website, rather than have them syndicated.
Obsolescence – how to avoid it?
A small tip – though tedious, I think it’s the best way to avoid outdated info. You can have all your info written in JavaScript and update them. Since the pages are syndicated, obviously it has to retrieve the latest page.
Moreover you are also in control of your information. Here is a sample for you.
I have chosen a poem by William Blake called “The Little Lamb”. If you were to HTML this poem, it would be like this –
Little Lamb, who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?
Gave thee life, & bid thee feed
By the stream & o'er the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing, wooly, bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice,
Making all the vales rejoice?
Little Lamb, who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?
The same could be written as a JavaScript code as follows –
document.write (“
Little Lamb, who made thee?
document.write (“Dost thou know who made thee?
document.write (“Gave thee life, & bid thee feed
document.write (“By the stream & o'er the mead;
document.write (“Gave thee clothing of delight,
document.write (“Softest clothing, wooly, bright;
document.write (“Gave thee such a tender voice,
document.write (“Making all the vales rejoice?
document.write (“Little Lamb, who made thee?
document.write (“Dost thou know who made thee?
Let us assume that you have saved this document as blake.js, so others would simply include the lines as –
• You are the owner of your content. It pays at the end, even if you have to write lengthy JavaScript codes.
• Obviously, this saves your time from keeping a check on other websites modifying your content.
If you syndicate your articles to many websites and if there are thousands of visitors visiting them and viewing your article, then your server has to pay for the real high bandwidth for displaying your article on their system.
You cannot guarantee every webmaster to accept Javascript of your article. Moreover chances are that search engines do not consider (read index) Javascript pages for ranking.
If Javascript is disabled at the reader’s end then chances are your article won’t appear at all.
The imminent question would be – should I syndicate or not? Well, the choice is up to you. If you feel that you are benefiting from syndicating then why stop? Go syndicating! Let the world know who you are!
Monday, 28 January 2008
Are we really Web 2.0 ready?
These are ‘word-to-word’ diction of what some SEO professionals have got to say.
The question asked was very obvious –
“What are your "New Year's resolutions" for search? What are your top priorities for things to address, things to change, or things to plan for in 2008?”
Here are some notes from leading Internet Marketing professionals from various parts of the world.
Have a look –
Andrew Goodman from Page Zero media says –
“I resolve to take a comprehensive approach to what we used to call "search" marketing, to focus on raising online visibility and reputation as search engines adapt and change themselves.
To this end, I have cancelled my consulting firm's "brief" five-year hiatus from SEO (we focus mostly on paid search) because the world of search is in a new, exciting phase that requires mature integrated marketing strategies. Now, we do "SEO 2.0." And I like hanging out with mature, integrated people!
Also to this end, we'll be implementing instructional video production for at least one client. It will be interesting to see if these types of videos, posted on YouTube, actually make it into a prominent place in a significant number of SERPs.
I resolve to apply for at least one patent related to search. This is a tricky one, so I think 2009 might be more realistic.
Finally, I resolve to attend a search conference in a warm climate, without resorting to any city whose population of slot machines outnumbers people.”
Does Andrew mean to emphasize more or search? What is search marketing?
Search Marketing:
In Internet marketing, search engine marketing, or Search Marketing, is a variety of methods to used increase or boost the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs) on various well known search engines.
Are we moving toward SEO 2.0? What does it mean?
By definition it says (not precisely so) – contribution of many and change in the approach that focuses on actual growth in the revenue and the analytics which are detailed by the minute are some great insights towards a good SEO.
Simply put, there are contributions due to integration – growth and linking. Get good affiliates to link up with and you are already doing great SEO.
Exposure – get your clients to be noticed by the world. What could be a better way if not, but, create great presentations (and I don’t mean PowerPoint presentations, lol). Collect information useful for promoting your client. Place a great video prez and viola! You are on the way to success.
Search is getting bigger and bigger. Patents on various search methods are already on the anvil. Perhaps search by videos? Search by website types? I have not had a chance to look at such options. Maybe they are there already – or maybe not.
Blake Suggs from Range Online Media focuses on transparency in the search. What search phrases are triggering and how does it aid the change in appearance of search ads.
Better ad campaigns? Sure! With more transparency in the available traffic for specific set of terms. The basic idea is to help search marketers focus on better campaigns – specific to what the ‘search’ is about. Well, the idea sounds good, doesn’t it?
Fraudulent clicks – what Blake suggests is to have a means for seeking meaningful answers to questions around click validity. It would be nice to see if there are stringent methods to stop click frauds. Perhaps ‘Online controlling’ points made available world wide (or at least in the Canadian regions to begin with as per Blake)? Maybe more organic clicks and ‘real’ clicked money on the way?
New ideas, newer ways to think – make your machine think a lot like what you want – web 2.0 – integrate, innovate, collaborate, rethinking ideas.
Rethinking You and I.
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Internet marketing sauce for 2008
Here are some tips which can help you strengthen your Internet marketing strategies. A market where you find the shift is toward online consumers, social interaction and media publication. No longer is it the domain of the journalists or corporate alone.
Read on for some great Internet Marketing Tips
1.Optimize your web content
This is an oft-repeated advice. It’s a good idea to have your contents optimized. Make it more human readable and also easily accessible for the search engine or spider-crawl friendly.
Make sure your contents are relevant to the page / topic. Going off or waywardness is not a great marketing technique. Your website will be ranked based on the percentage of relevant keywords on the page.
So, for example, if you are talking specifically about mantels, do not also place in contents about furnitures, bed, table and so on, although your organization may be manufacturing / producing them as well.
2.Create a content development strategy for your website
You have carved a niche for your company. What you need to do now is to bank on the contents you have built for your website and build on it. Start adding more keyword rich, context-specific contents. Keep the reader in mind. Even as you add more contents, keep in mind that it should catch the reader’s attention. Do not jam your contents with too may keywords, optimize it to the maximum possible.
3.Invest in paid search marketing campaign (Pay per click)
When the visitors click on your ad, you pay for the click. What paid search does is to quickly leverage search engine traffic by building on the keywords related to the product or service you offer. So what you can achieve through a genuine paid search campaign is a ‘Page Rank’ when you don’t even have one. Paid search marketing is a viable option than organic / natural search.
4.Publicize through article marketing
The most promotional method for publicizing your website is through article marketing. What does it help you to do? It helps you get quality back links or incoming links which is recognized by many prominent search engines as a factor to boost your page rank. So more the number of quality links you hoard, better are the chances of being ranked high.
You can also ensure ongoing awareness by promoting your website through various channels like – directories, content publishing, article announcement and content syndication (commonly known as RSS).
Another aspect is to publish the article on your website first. Have them socially bookmarked using various tools to bookmark.
5.Build your social media strategy
Its predicted that about 60% of the top global companies will have some form of social media marketing strategy beginning this year. What does this mean? A clear social marketing strategy should be used as part of communication and marketing. As social media is an essential component for online marketing and search engines adjust their rankings to also include search personalization. An increase in the online content to carve a niche is the effect of social media.
6.Create a company blog
The early focus of marketing strategy was to focus on the marketing and communication in a faceless phase. This has changed significantly. Online consumerism is in. online consumers are in control now.
What need to be done is – creating and establishing a company personality. A corporate blog coming alive is what I mean. It’s lucrative to have a corporate blog as the mass looks up to the new media and social website for insights.
If you can provide them that, they are yours forever!
7.Experiment using video marketing
You got some great videos? Well show off then! Video marketing is the most powerful, revenue generating potential media. The rapid growth in You Tube traffic is one such example.
This is the best way to portray what you are. Because you know, facts are easily seen and understood than being understood when explained. This is exactly the reason why web marketers and advertisers capitalize on this media.
Simplified video sharing techniques through video marketing has had a huge implication on affiliate marketing.
8.Encourage web widget marketing
A huge leap in web marketing is creating several applets which help build your branding strategy and improvise on it. Several leading firms build their own widgets to enhance and market their product or service in the shortest possible time.
Creating widgets is a leading brand building strategy adopted by most corporate for online business advertisement.
9.Discover mobile media marketing
Mobile media has seen an unprecedented growth. It is now being recognized by many web marketing companies. What does it do? Well, it brings out the best of website on your cell.
Its now (or will soon be) imperative to have a mobile friendly website so that users have the option to ‘browse’ through their favorite website. This is an innovative and new opportunity for websites to improvise their branding strategy and marketing.
10.Effective email marketing strategy
Nothing gets better than an effective email for communication. A company should have effective email communication strategy. One must increase the existing customer base by conducting ‘Permission Marketing’.
This is done by sending in regular, targeted communication info (such a news, updates on the company policies and so on) which is very crucial for marketing success.
You must combine the latest technological advances with traditional marketing practices to achieve this.
Obviously, the future is bright. Hopefully this year will boost new channels of marketing through permission marketing, power linking and effective social networks.
Welcome Web 2.0!